Hi everyone! So this week was incredibly crazy because we go transfer boards and guess what? I am training! again!! I am so excited! Her name is sister Goodwin and I will be picking her up from the airport tomorrow. I am so excited!! Sister Livingstone will also be training! AND she is moving back to Montreal! She is actually going to be serving in an area that she has served in already which is cool! We were more than a little sad that we weren't staying together for my last transfer.. But we both know that Lord knows what he is doing. I can't believe that I am going to be bringing a sweet new sister missionary into her first transfer while on my final one. I think it will be good though, because I will have to work super hard! It will be good to have a lot of distractions, because I know that the inevitable is coming... My MTC comp is going home tomorrow too.. If that isn't weird, I don't know what is.
Anyway, we had a really up and down week.. Lots of emotions! Sister Livingstone had to go and say her goodbyes to so many people and needless to say, there were a lot of tears. I am not looking forward to that... There are so many people here that I love so dearly who are going to make this extremely hard to leave... What I good problem to have.
We had lessons with almost all of our friends. In fact, we had a really good lesson with Phil! I love it when they go so smoothly like it really needed to happen. We teach so many lessons that we never see the fruits of. But sometimes I have lessons or encounters with people where the spirit tells me, wow, that really needed to happen. I love that. We taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and he loved it and believed it. I am watching his heart and mind open and expand to truths he never knew before. I have been thinking about that a lot this week. the book of Mormon contains truths and insights that we need! Discovering that the Book of Mormon is true opens us up to a universe of beautiful information far beyond those pages. Because if the book is true, then Joseph Smith comes with it. And so do all the prophets who have ever lived to testify of it too. That is a LOT of revelation friends. And it all comes back to that little blue book. I know that it's true. The fruits that have come from it far surpass any doubt that Satan could put in my mind. I have had too many experiences to ever doubt that book.
We also had a sweet sweet lesson with probably my favorite member. She has such a tender and calm spirit and shares just the most beautiful and heartfelt testimonies with us. Some of my most spiritual confirmations and experiences have happened in her home. Nothing ever grand or glorious, but I have just had the spirit testify to me with a lot of power of a lot of things there. We always leave feeling edified and I just really want my future home to feel like hers.
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