Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November 19, 2019

Hello everybody!!
I don't even know where to start. This weeks had some high highs and some low lows. But everything ended up working out in the best way possible. 
We had zone conference with an area 70, elder Bassett. He and his wife were incredible! Really kind down to earth people. They brought the spirit so strong and opened my eyes a lot. They talked about conversion and how it needs to be with the heart, not just the head. We can't do that kind of converting, only the spirit can.
Yesterday, we went to a funeral for a member in the ward, a lesson fell through, it was raining like mad and on top of it all we got news that a missionary in our mission just lost their dad in a tragic accident...Everything just kind of hit me and I got really sad and sort of broke down on the car ride home. My sweet comp handled it like a pro. She let me cry and then we watched a christ video and ate gummy bears on the couch. Haha I felt a lot better after and we spent the rest of the night working hard and I felt extremely at peace and happy to be here, even though it was still raining and we still had to go out. Haha it was a tender mercy too because we got all bundled up to go out and got our umbrellas and we started walking. Our umbrella started turning inside out because the wind was so strong. Then we had the thought to visit one of our friends named Carol. We met her my first day in Greenwood. I guess we needed to prove to the Lord that we were willing to go out into the storm to declare his message before he would tell us where he actually needed us to go that night. On the way over there, we passed this poor lady pulling suitcases, so we pulled over to help her. By the time we chased her down she was on her front steps, so we knocked a few houses. It's funny because that doesn't sound like it was a success at all, but it was because we felt a prompting and we followed it. There is no better feeling than that. We went to Carol's and had probably the most amazing discussion ever with her. She told us that she wants to be baptized and that she knows she needs to come to church and that she just loves this church with all of her heart. What a tender mercy from the Lord after a very hard day. She brought up all of these things on her own. She has the softest heart I think I have ever seen and I truly love her with all of mine. They are going away to Ontario today, so if we wouldn't have passed by them last night like we did, we would have missed them for several weeks. Ouch! I am so glad we were lead there. This week we have also started calling our friend Brian every night. He reads a few verses in the book of mormon and then we discuss them and answer any questions that he has. it has been so great. I am seeing brighter than ever before how strong his testimony is getting. Every phone call he asks more and more questions and, he unknowingly testifies about the things that he reads. He is being changed. truly changed by the spirit and it is a beautiful thing to see. He is a man with the gift to see miracles. We set up a lesson at a member's house.  He told us that he woke up wishing that he had some better boots so that he could slip them on and off easier for when he goes into their house (it's hard for him to do that because of his arthritis) He said, "if only I had a pair of jet boots, but they don't make em anymore" That same morning, he went walking up the road to get some wood and he saw a bag on the side of the road. He went and looked inside and there was a pair of lightly worn jet boots. They were dry even though it had been raining all night. I know that God knows his children. He knows Brian, he knows me, he knows each of you and he is looking for every opportunity to bless you in the ways that he knows would be meaningful to you. He knows how to bless his children and he knows how to give good gifts! I am a witness of the love of God. I know pain but I also know immense joy. These experiences on my mission have grown my testimony of the Savior's reality. He lives, I just know that he lives.The experiences that I have had with him are more real to me than anything I could ever physically touch. I just love him so very much. He gave his entire life, every day of it for me. I am giving 18 months. It seems so insignificant. But it is the least I can do for the one I love so very much. 
I hope that all of you are happy and healthy and seeing the Lord's hand in your life. If you're not, I promise that he is not the one that left.
I love you all! Thanks for your letters and prayers and love! I really do feel it.
love, sister Bates

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