Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November 26, 2019

Hi everyone!
What a great week we had!
We had THREE back to back exchanges! It was pretty exhausting, but I saw oh so many miracles from all of them! The first one was with sister Watson. We went to pass by this referral from the elders and he wasn't home, so we talked to his neighbors. They were kind folks. We invited them (and many others that day) to a special music night our Branch was putting on called Prelude to Christmas. It was a good exchange. She is such a hard worker! We think that she will probably be leaving us this next transfer. She has been in Yarmouth her whole mission so far and I think she is ready to go and see other places. I love her. Next, I was with sister Bromley. We went to Middelton and were walking around when we found a cute lady named Kayla that had been baptized a year ago. She has been kind of off the radar because she has been going through some things but she was so excited to see us! It's also really cool because my district leader elder Hatch, was the one that taught and baptized her a year ago, so when we told him that we had found her he was super excited! We also ran into the cutest family from Nigeria!! We also had dinner with the Sproules and they had Brian over as well. We taught him the plan of Salvation. He is really progressing and growing in understanding. It is so beautiful to see.
The next day, we had just enough time to do our weekly planning and then we had the Halifax sisters! Okay this one was cool. I was with sister Rhodes and we had SO many miracles that came about because we were in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. Okay so backstory real quick. Several weeks ago, we were doing a booth in the mall with the Yarmouth sisters and this guy comes up and starts talking to us about the unknown secrets of the universe and all this deep stuff that no one really understands. We had like a 45 minute conversation with him about what we believe and about the Book of Mormon. We challenged him to read it and he said that he would do it in 4 days haha. The only thing was that he doesn't have a phone and he didn't want to give out his parent's address. So we had only an email address. He never responded to that so we kind of assumed that he forgot about it all. Then, just last Saturday, sister Rhodes and I were doing our language study in the mall and he comes walking by! He seemed to be in a hurry so we only had a brief conversation. But then like 20 minutes later, he came back and we talked. His demeanor was so different. He said that he had read the book in 6 and a half days. He said it was not at all what he expected, that there were a lot of answers in there and that it was the most interesting book he had ever read. We invited him to pray about it and he said that he would. The Pedersens, some members in our branch came walking by then too. They had a good conversation too. I think of all the people that he could have met at that time, they were the best. Bro. Pedersen thinks like he does. We invited him to come to the Prelude to Christmas and he said that he just might. It felt like exactly what he needed. The Pedersens also mentioned that they were going to a surprise birthday dinner for one of the members. This was a miracle in itself because with all of the craziness these past few days, I had completely forgotten that they had invited us too! So, we went to that right after, and it was no biggie ahah! If they hadn't have come by and mentioned it, I would have forgotten completely! Missionaries are human too! Haha! So everything this week really fell into place and worked out the way it needed to. Sister Rhodes and I had a very good exchange review at the end. I love her a lot. And I really think I needed to get to know her. I learned so much from all of these beautiful sisters! It was kind of sad though because this was sister Burton's last exchange and we had to say goodbye to her. She has been here since the beginning of time! She was my STL in Quebec! My first area!! That's crazy! I am going to miss her so much! 
We had the prelude to Christmas Sunday night and it was a huge hit! Sister Livingstone and I and some other ladies in the branch all sang this beautiful song called come and see. (It's on YouTube. I would recommend giving it a listen:) Lots of people from other congregations came and they all agreed that we should make this an annual thing! We even had an Anglican Padre that we had knocked into came and he loved it! Also, Brian came! This was the biggest miracle of the nightl! That was the first time he had gone to a social event in years, and he LOVED it! Our phone call with him the next night was so tender. He told us that he had never seen so many people with such love. "It really takes the weight off of ya" I love that light the world can mean so many things. It can be seen as a light, something that enlightens. But it can also be something that lightens, like lightening a burden. That is Christ. He lightens, He enlightens, and He is the Light.
This weekend we will get transfer boards so I will find out if I am staying or going! I don't know what's going to happen... I would be happy staying and happy moving on to the next adventure. I'm glad I don't have to make this decision! ahah! The time is running short and I am trying to work hard and make these months to the Lord my best offering. My testimony has grown a lot this week. I know that I succeed when I follow a prompting. It doesn't matter if the person was interested or not, or kind or not. I succeed when I follow a prompting. So I started telling myself that was I walked up to the doors that the spirit told me to knock. "This is me succeeding." I know that God loves his children. I know that he knows each of us perfectly and loves us perfectly. Each one is being prepared in their own way to have the chance to receive the truth one day. God is merciful and he is kind. He is waiting for us to come to him so that he can show us that he has always been there. He has loved us since before we can remember and that has not changed. I know that.
I hope that you all have a great week!
much love, Soeur Bates

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