This week was so much fun! I can't believe that Christmas has come and gone.. It was a lot of fun! We got to spend it with our sweet Yarmouth sisters! They came down and spent the night and then we all opened our presents the next morning:) We went to the Coles for a beautiful meal. It was really fun because we usually have to be in and out of member's homes in an hour but we got to spend a couple with them! Brother Cole has had a really cool life so we got to listen to all of his stories. It was my favorite thing! Then we had another appointment in the evening with another sweet sister. Unfortunately she was admitted into the hospital about 20 minutes before we got there... So we ate with her daughter. It was kind of a blessing that she invited us and the Butlers, because if we hadn't been there poor Terra would have had to spend her Christmas Eve alone. The Lord takes care of his kids. It was a beautiful evening. I was feeling a little homesick (probably because the end of my mission is coming so quickly) but I was able to feel a lot of joy in celebrating the birth of my sweet Savior.
Brian came to church for the second time and loved it so much! AND Darlene came for the first time! She loved it too! It was cool because sister Livingstone and I both spoke in sacrament meeting. I glad that they got to hear us:) I love the people we are teaching so very much! They are the best.
We got to take a trip to Montreal right after Christmas for MLC. Oh man it was fun. I love Montreal so very much! MLC was great and I took away a lot of good things that I want to start applying. I feel so incredibly blessed to work around so many great and nobel missionaries. There is always a special spirit at MLC. I got to see so many members of my MTC district! (the OG!) I love them all! It was bittersweet to say goodbye to my sweet sister Nelson. She picked the earlier date so she will be going home in 2 weeks. I am so proud of her and her Christlike service. I learned so much from her about charity and joy. How grateful I am to be blessed with such true and lifelong friends. The future's so bright.
On a funnier note, we got our keys locked inside the car at the airport so we were kinda stranded there. The elders were such good sports. They stayed with us until the security guy came, which was really kind because it already midnight (that is like super duper late in missionary terms) I am actually kind of glad it happened though because it was really really fun! We didn't get to bed until after 2 am (so the next morning wasn't quite so enjoyable lol). So you better believe we took a nice fat nap when we finally got back to Greenwood!
Oh! AND, when we were all sitting at the airport, waiting for our flight (it was delayed) a man runs up to all of us sitting there and he asks if we are no duty. We were like, um we aren't airport workers.. (you would be surprised how many people see our tags and slacks and just assume that we are workers there haha) He said, "no, I know, I just have some questions about Mormonism and I want to ask you all since you are reliable sources" That sentence alone just made my day! Truth seekers don't settle with Wikipedia. I love that he wanted to know from us! It was the coolest experience because we all were able to teach him with such unity. I felt so proud of us. It is really cool to see missionaries in action like that. And he was just drinking it all in! His name is Thomas and he is a philosophy student in Cali. We answered his questions with doctrine and he LOVED it. He wasn't bashy at all! He just really wanted to know. I love when people have that true and honest desire. He has talked with members and missionaries before throughout his life and it is just so clear for me to see how the Lord has been preparing him. We all added him on facebook and we are going to send missionaries his way in California:) hehe I LOVE being a missionary! I love seeing how the Lord orchestrates things oh so perfectly. I love that he loves us so deeply. It is manifest in his doings. And I get to be an eyewitness of that. I am so grateful for this time the Lord has given me as a missionary for this short time. It is coming to an end all too quickly.. I can't believe it.
I hope that this week was a great one for all of you! The church is true! Christ lives!
I love you all!
Sister Bates
I love you all!
Sister Bates
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