Well, my last zone conference came and went... It was sad. Not really but it was definitely bittersweet. I got to go up and bare my closing testimony You watch missionaries get up and do that and never think that it's going to be you, and then suddenly, it just is. I may or may not have cried, hehe. It was cool though because in my whole zone, I was the only young missionary going home! Talk about feeling old.... It's also so exciting! I am down to 24 days (but who's counting;)
The work here in Greenwood is going so well! Darlene is doing AMAZING! She seriously acts like a member already. She gets along with everyone, and they all love her too! She has been reading the Book of Mormon like crazy because she wants to catch up to where everyone else is in the Come Follow Me program. She loves it! She understands everything so well and is tangibly happier, Oh man it's so cool to watch the gospel change people. This last Sunday while everyone was bearing their testimonies, it just really felt like all of them were for Darlene. She told us afterwards that she was very tempted to get up too, but she just wasn't sure. And then all throughout the lesson, she totally was contributing, because she had been reading the Book of Mormon and she knew all the stories!! Man when people prepare, they get so much more out of it!! How did we get so lucky to get to teach her?:) She is just so ready. Which is cool because she also opened up and told us some stories about experiences she had had with missionaries in the past, back when she didn't understand what we did. It really strengthened my testimony that we can't judge people or write them off today just because they aren't ready for the gospel right now. Because even in one year, a person's heart can do a complete 180, like hers did. I love her so very much! I don't know what I did to be blessed to know and love so many beautiful people. Glen is doing really great too. We had a really awesome lesson with him in a member's home.
Can I just take a minute to testify of the power behind member missionary work?? I am convinced that that is the only really effective and right way to do missionary work. It can be as simple as offering your home for a lesson to be taught in. I am just so excited to be a member missionary! I did not understand missionary work before, but now that I do, I want to do all that I can to share the gospel in natural ways after I get home, and be someone that the missionaries can always count on. In MyPlan (which is just a preparatory to going home program course that all departing missionaries take) they talked about having your name tag on your heart. Elder Butler always says that it takes 2 years or 18 months to serve a mission, but it takes a lifetime to live it.
Wow I just really know that this church is true. I have had too many experiences not to believe that. I know that God is aware of each of his children and is preparing paths before them. He is carefully and lovingly leading them back to him. I love him so dearly. I am grateful for who he has helped me to become.
I love you all and hope that you have another great week!
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