Tuesday, May 7, 2019

May 7, 2019

Bonjour tout le monde! It was another great week! We had a couple of really great lessons over the commandments. It is really interesting how some weeks, there are common threads. This week we taught a lot about the commandments, other times it's different. We used an activity a lot where we draw a person and then as we teach each commandment, we draw a bar over them. By the end, with all the bars, the little person looks like he is in a cage. It doesn't seem like the most fun time. How can you be happy when you are stuck in a box of rules?? then the sharks come (I am so bad at drawing sharks lol...) And suddenly the commandments take on a different meaning. They are not put into place to keep us from having fun or to keep us naive from the rest of the world. On the contrary, they keep us wiser, and they protect us from the sharks of this world. Because it's no secret that they are out for blood and there are more than ever before. We also had a lot of finding time. It was good because the sun was out! (for the first time in like months!) And when the sun comes out everyone is happier and a lot more willing to talk with us. Like, we can count on it! haha! Yesterday was glorious! It was like 26 degrees (I think thats like 75 F or something close) We walked around a neighborhood and found 3 new people to teach!! It has been a very long time since we have had that much (measurable) success! We just felt so so good afterwards! I find so much more satisfaction in my work when we are out and doing. Which has been a little bit difficult for me as of late. I have never been outgoing. In fact talking to people actually scares me a lot.. still! And has been a really big stretch to be the senior companion because sometimes I reallllly don't want to go finding. But this week especially, I have just really worked hard on just going for it anyway. I am not perfect. I am not where I want to be yet, but I am trying. And we have seen miracles. Just yesterday one of the new people that we found was actually a family from India. They had two little girls who reminded me of my little sisters. Their names were Jerica and Jonika. SO cute!! They said we could come by and bring a book of mormon in their language. I am very excited for this coming week. There will be zone conf tomorrow and we have a lot of really great lessons planned. My amis are so very dear to my heart. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have been given to teach them. I feel a very real love for them and I truly want them to have all the happiness that they can. The hard part sometimes, is that I know how they can!! I can see and I can understand, but sometimes it's hard to help THEM understand that, haha. There is a section in preach my gospel that I really love where it says (paraphrasing) that they may not understand why now, but they NEED the blessings that only the gospel of Jesus Christ can bring in their lives. And they need them now. In a very real sense, this gospel saves people. Nothing brings more hope and peace and joy, this is all true. But it literally puts them on the covenant path that will lead them back to their Heavenly Father. That is a core truth of this gospel that I know without a doubt to be true. If the way were broad, then everyone would take it. But the way is narrow and straight because the reward is not cheap. How grateful I am to be a missionary, to be a guide to show people the gate to get on that path. It is baptism by Christ's authority only. There is only one door and that is it. I love the simplicity of this truth and of this gospel. I can think of no greater work. I love serving as a representative of my Savior Jesus Christ! I love him! I hope that you all are well and joyful! I love you all! Thank you so much for your prayers and emails! I so appreciate them! Until next week! Love, soeur Bates

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