Tuesday, May 14, 2019

May 14, 2019

Bonjour a tous! Another wonderful week! We went on exchanges and I stayed in Laval with sister Buckhave which was super cool because Laval was her mission birthplace! We spent the day going by all of the people that she had taught and dropped but who had potential. And we were able to make two new amis! Thomas and Carlloick! Ah-mazing! For the first time in I don't even know how long, I woke up SUPER excited to go finding! I really don't like finding... i really don't. But yesterday, I was so pumped!! And we got some potentials because of it! We went for a run in the morning and went to the river (which was super high because of all of the flooding) It was lovely. We also went out and got sushi for lunch. And we helped two members who were having troubles because of the floods. AND we did a lot of passbys. It was a super full day! One of the passbys was the son of someone we are teaching who I had never really met before. He is only 15 but so so spiritual. We read in the Book of Mormon with him and he was just so into it. I have so so much hope for this sweet kid. He was very mature in his responses and I see so much potential for him. We also had a really cool experience at the beginning of the week. We were trying to do this passby, but her address didn't exist (I hate when that happens..) and so we tried another passby who lived near by. We buzzed her door and it rang and rang but no one answered. We were about to leave when a lady walked out and stared at our name tags. She was like, please give me 5 minutes to get my mail and I will be back and I will receive you! She told us that her name was Naima. It was actually her!! She told us later on that her door buzzer was broken. It was so amazing that we just happened to be there right as she walked out and it just so happened to be her! There are no coincidences with the Lord! On Saturday, we had like 5 lessons back to back! It was ludicrous. Also, the missionary that found frere Labarre came to visit with her family so we all had lunch together at St. Huberts. It was so cool! I am really excited to come back with my fam! Okay but the best part of this week for sure was Saturday night we had a lesson with Lourdia and Ethienne and taught about how in the temples, families can be sealed for time and all eternity. That was it. They agreed to be baptized!!!!! We both were just so so happy! We went to the car and cried and said a gratitude prayer because we have been working so so hard with them! Those are the moments that make those super hard days so worth it. I am so committed to these people and I want the very best for them. So when they finally make the decision to be baptized, I am just filled with inexpressible joy! I love the work I have been called to do. Tomorrow, I hit my halfway mark... I can't even believe it. The time goes by too fast. I am hopeful and excited for the next 9 months and I am grateful for the 9 months that the Lord has given me here in Laval and Quebec City. I love this place. I am so blessed to be here. I love you all and I hope that you are happy! Thank you so much for your responses. They mean a lot to me! love, soeur Bates

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