Friday, September 14, 2018

Week 5! (mtc) September 14, 2018

Bonjour Mon amis et famille! It has been such a great week! We did another TRC on Monday, only this time, it was a videochat to a member in France. Her name was Doria and I love her. She was so sweet and fun and the spirit was so strong. Even through a screen! I had such a string feeling and realization that these people are real! They are real and waiting for something great in their lives! My Sunday was also very good. My sweet companion was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting. Here's the thing, they ask that everyone prepare a talk in their mission language and then during sacrament, they randomly call on two missionaries to get up and talk (so it's kiiind of important to be prepared cause ya never know) She was! And she did SO well! I love her and I am so proud of how far she has come in just five weeks. The language is getting a little better. I am starting to feel more okay with where I am now, because I know that the spirit will make up for where I lack. In fact that is one of the major things I have found this week. I may be called to preach, but the Spirit is called to teach. It is incredible to me that the spirit can take my broken French and give understanding to the minds of those who hear it. I love the Holy Ghost. I think that sometimes we forget what a truly amazing gift it is. This work would be literally impossible without him. It truly would. But God wants this work to move forward so by golly it will! Haha. It's a testimony to me that this IS the TRUE church. God would not give that kind of power to us if this wasn't true and right. But He has, and it is! And I so love testifying of that! (Partially cause that's the bulk of what I can do in French at this point haha) But honestly being able to teach is always just so great! It's always scary, but I can feel myself stretching and growing every time I do it, and that is a good feeling. I love my district more and more each day. The maturity and reverence displayed by the elders is so amazing, (especially compared to other districts I have seen) They're a lot of fun, but whenever they talk about their Savior, a special spirit enters the room. And my soeurs are just incredible! I love them each so much! Their insights are profound and their hearts are just so pure and full of love. I truly feel so blessed to be placed in this district at this time, with these wonderful people. I only have a little over a week before I head out to Montreal. It's scary and exciting! I am so honored to teach people about Christ and serve them for these next 17 months. I know it will be hard and there will be a lot of rejection and frustration with the French and all, but right now I feel so peaceful. I know that the atonement of Jesus Christ covers everything, my frustrations and my shortcomings. I had a really sweet experience this week. soeur Nelson and I were practicing for teaching a lesson and I was getting suuper frustrated with myself because I couldn't speak the language. The day before I had told her that when I was feeling frustrated she needed to remind my Christ because He is the opposite of chaos. She asked me to bare my testimony of Jesus Christ. I did and then the waterworks started because the peace that comes whenever I think about or talk about Christ is not of this world. Instantly I felt peace and comfort and I knew that he would make up for everything, in fact, He already has. Literally in the space of five minutes, my mood went from completely frustrated and angry at myself, to completely joyful and at peace. The lesson went great and I felt calm before, during,a and after. I love this work. I am so honored to be a part of it. I love this church. I love my Savior. Everything I do is for Him. Much love, Soeur Bates PS... One more thing, I Chopped my hair off! I LOVE it!

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