Tuesday, September 17, 2019

September 17, 2019

Hello, hello! This week was a very fun one! We have decided that the best way to win the hearts of these old maritimers is to get really involved with the community. So, that is exactly what we did! We volunteered at the Lions Club and did a lot of service for individuals. We also went to this music jam with a couple of our friends. It was SO much fun! We were the only ones there under the age of 65, but man those people knew their way around a guitar and fiddle! I don't know how this happened, but somehow they got me and my companion to get up there and sing. Soo we sang Onward Christian Soldiers and Battle Hymn of the Republic and they loved it haha! It opened the door to a lot of people asking what church we were from. It was really so amazing. We also got involved with this graveyard activity that a member was putting on, so we got to do a family History booth. Lots of people were very interested in that! Ooh also, the sisters in Annapolis Royal got taken out so we took over their area. We went to their branch last Sunday. It was teensy! But the people are so strong. There are a total of 2 young women there so we want to really start working with them. They're awesome. There was a corn boil at the church this week and it was a lot of fun. I really like being in a branch. It's easier for me to remember fewer names haha. I have such a deep love for the members already. They are so special and they have hearts of gold. The work is slower here, but we are plenty busy. We are teaching a few really awesome people, but they are not really progressing now. We hope to find some that are super soon! Well sorry this one's so short! I am so happy here! Life is lovely and the work is moving forward! I know that Christ is at the head of this church. I can see him in the details every day, and it is magnificent to see. I love you all! Love, sister Bates

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