Tuesday, August 20, 2019

August 20, 2019

Hello tout le monde! Another great week in Ottawa! I hit my year mark this last week which was nutso! I can't believe that this at this time a year ago I was in the MTC learning French. Those were such good days. I used to think that it was so hard. Haha, now I really understand what frustration and heartache feel like. But now I also understand more profoundly what true joy and peace feel like. That kind of joy is worth the frustration. That being said, this week was a bit frustrating in the sense that we have not had anyone to teach in a very long time. Lots of people and lessons fell through and it was disheartening. But we are working hard and trying our best which is all that matters to the Lord. On the bright side, we got to go to Ottawa Mission, a homeless shelter to help volunteer. That is like my favorite place ever. I love volunteering there! We also met with a member named Millie. She bought us Arby's and totally made my day Haha! Transfers are coming up and I am not sure what to expect. I have been having feelings that I might leave Ottawa. I don't know though. It's all up to the Lord. I do feel like there are people out there just waiting for us to find them. But in the meantime, I am being changed. We had a really cool 8:59 miracle last Saturday. We got on this bus on the way home and I ended up sitting by this super cute girl named Mary. We started talking about being a missionary and she said that she had met elders like 2 years ago but had never been taught. I gave her a card that showed her how she could download the Book of Mormon and she was like oh cool. And then my stellar companion, who was sitting across from her, was like "Hey, would you like a physical copy?" she whipped it out of her bag and gave it to her. It was awesome. I showed her Moroni 10:3-5 right there on the bus and she said that it was written so clearly and so powerfully. She said that she was so excited to read it! We were also able to get her number and we hope to meet with her again this week! It was so amazing! The work is moving forward. I think faster than we imagine. He is working in the hearts of people, and they are being prepared for a great and beautiful change. I love this work! (I know I say that every time, but it's true, sooo..!) Most of all, I love my Savior, so very much! You all are fantastic! I love you dearly! Love, Sister Bates

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