Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 28, 2019

Bonjour tout le monde! Another great week! We had a cool opportunity to go to a service in the community. Half of the people there were from the Ward so it was a super cool way for the community to see so many people representing the church! We cleaned up all of the garbage in the park that had been brought in from the floods. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to talk with people from the community! There was lots of finding time this week and we got a lot of potentials! It was awesome. There were so many cool finding miracles! At one point, we were driving and sister Atwood said, "oh there's a potential named Merveille in this area! But we don't have her apartment building...." Then about 2.7 seconds later, I saw two ladies walking on the sidewalk with a baby. I found myself pulling over and parking the car. We ran to talk to them just as they were going into this apartment building. We followed them inside and started talking to the one lady. She was super nice and we asked her name and you know what she said? MERVEILLE. NOT a coincidence! it was so so cool! She told us to come back next Sunday! It was incredible! We also had exchanges yesterday and that was so wonderful! I got to go to Montreal Est with sister Ellis. Man I love sister Ellis! She trained my trainer so she is pretty much my mission gramma! She is very wise and fun and taught me so much. She is finishing soon which is sad, mais c'est la vie. It's a weird thing saying goodbye to other missionaries. You feel like everything will be the same forever. The people, the areas, but then everything changes overnight! The only true constant is the Savior. I am so grateful that his love is unchanging. I am learning more and more that he is only letting me be a part of this great work. He could definitely gather Israel without sister Bates and he could do it a lot better than her too. But he is letting me be a prat of it to help me, not his other children. Like, sure I am serving people and doing good things, but he could do it so much better himself if he wanted to!! I have really come to understand my purpose on this earth. He sent us here to grow. He has given me so many opportunists to grow, my mission being one of them. Only 9 months down and I have already learned so so much! I am excited to see what the next half brings. This Saturday is transfer calls. I feel like I might leave, but we shall see.. It makes me kind of sad to think about because if I do I will miss Lourdia and Èthienne's baptisms but that's okay. I know whatever happens will be the best for me. I am so grateful that He is in charge here. I know that I can trust my Savior. I love him very much. He is so patient and so kind with me. I am grateful for how he walks beside me every day. I hope that you all are well and happy. Thank you for your prayers and messages of encouragement. I sure do love all of you! love, soeur Bates

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