Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 16, 2019

Bonjour a tous! This week was busy! We had a new trainer trainee meeting so we got to go to Montreal and sister Atwood got to see her MTC district altogether with their trainers so that was super cute! President and sister Phillips message was so wise and inspiring. I love them so much! We also had exchanges yesterday. We have the best STLs! I got to go to Montreal with sister Ellis and it was so much fun! That was my first time serving on the island! It was different but I loved it so so much! We had a miracle where we went to pass by a guy who wasn't there, so we tried a pass by who was in the area named Michelle and she let us in and we taught her about baptism! She agreed to come and watch a baptismal service so that was super super cool! It turns out that sister Ellis had met Michelle before very briefly months ago on an exchange. She had been thinking about her this last week so the fact that we ran into her was a miracle! So so cool! We also taught the cutest family of all time who are on date to be baptized in a week. They are so elect and so amazing. i felt so much love for them and I have only met them once! We had good finding time and I learned so much. Sister Ellis is training too so she gave me some really good advice on how to help my trainee. It was wonderful and much needed. I love learning from these stellar missionaries. They are so wise and kind! We had great lessons this week as well! We had a super powerful lesson with Lourdia and Etienne. We listened to president Nelson's address and it really really touched them. We invited them to be baptized and they said they still wanted to watch a baptism before they committed. There was one the very next day! Unfortunately it didnt work out and they couldn't come so that was sad... But there is one this Friday so we hope to get them there for that one! We feel like they are so so close! We also had a good lesson with Josianne. She is a total sweetheart. She was going through a rough time, so we brought her cookies and had a good lesson with her. She promised us that she would read in the Book of Mormon because she was grateful that we were thinking of her. Nothing else she could do would bring me more joy than that! But the biggest miracle of all was this guy named Bahati. I found him facebook finding last conference, and we have been talking. He told me a week ago that he would come to church which was amazing! Then Sunday morning he asked if we could find him a ride, but it was a little too late for that. We asked him if he would be able to take the bus this time and we would find him a ride next week and just assumed that he would choose not to come, but he CAME! We were ecstatic! When people take a step of faith like that, nothing compares. My joy was SO FULL people! But there's more! The elders are teaching another guy named Issacc who is actually the one getting baptized this Friday and it turns out, they are cousins!! WHA!? They didn't even know that the other was here! He said that he would definitely come to his baptism and he told us that he just wanted to learn a little more about the gospel before he gets baptized.... be still my beating heart... When things like this happen I feel so much gratitude to my Heavenly Father because it is proof that this is his work. He is at the helm and he is preparing people and preparing us for people so perfectly that it could never be a coincidence. I am so excited to see what happens with Bahati on his journey, but I have a feeling that he is ready and that he has been being prepared for a long time. I love this work so much! (lol i feel like i say the same thing every single email, but its hard to know how else i can articulate how i feel about missionary work and my Savior) I love the Lord and I am proud to be about my Father's business, walking a very similar path that he has already tread. I am grateful to have this time to get to know him better. It is worth it. "It's the kingdom of God or nothing!" I love you all dearly and hope that life is treating you well. Much love! soeur Bates

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