Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 19, 2019

Bonjour mes amies! Wow this week has been so crazy!! On Thursday soeur Stephenson and I went to Montreal to pick up our sweet new little comps!! When we parked, the van full of new missionaries pulled up right behind us! I hugged all of the sisters, all the while not knowing which one was mine! That was a crazy feeling! I got to see all of my missionary buds! That was so fun! My trainer sister Lawrence and my MTC comp sister Nelson are companions now! I was so excited, and I am so proud of them! I have been so blessed to have had such incredible companions! I love them all so very much! I know that all of them so far will be my friends for life! Anyways haha, after seeing everyone, we went to our trainer meeting. It was awesome. Powerful. Pres and sister Phillips are so amazing and the spirit it tangible whenever they speak. Their words brought me a lot of comfort. And then just like that, they brought in the greenies (we call em bleus here haha) My bebe isssss... Soeur Atwood from Idaho Falls! She is an angel!! And her new missionary fire is as bright as her hair! Haha! I seriously love her so much already. She has such a strong desire to be here and she is so positive and hard working and kind. We are very similar in our personalities. I already feel very comfortable with her. Thats such a blessing! We had a great couple of days! We got lost a few times since I'm still trying to find my way around here, but we have been working hard and have had a few super great lessons! Soeur Atwood is so great at giving people commitments and the spirit she brings is powerful! It is really touching people. She can't see that yet, but I sure can. I am so excited to watch her grow this transfer! I hope i do some growing as well! I have been surprised at my ability to understand people this week! The gift of tongues is very much a real thing! There are still moments of doubts, but for the most part, I am seeing growth and I am so excited to keep growing .Keep praying for me! I feel those prayers, I truly do. There is no way I could be doing this on my own. It would be way too hard. But I know that I am here doing the Lord's work. I am grateful for all that I am learning. I am grateful for all of these people that I get to love. I am grateful for who it is turning me into. I just love my mission so much. Time is flying by so fast and I hope that I can use it in the way He needs me to. I know that this is the only true church on the earth today. I know that God is our Father and he loves us more than we can understand. I know that is why he has given us all of these tools to help us find the most joy in this life. He is the best source for joy and is always ready and oh do willing to give it to us. I love him. I love my Savior. I am thankful that he knows me and understands me. I hope that all of you are fantastic! I love you all so much! Much love! Soeur Bates

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