Tuesday, November 13, 2018

November 13, 2018

Bonjour! Wow! We got a lot of snow this week so I finally broke out my Canadian coat! This week has been a bit trying. But I am grateful because I know that it is beacuse we are working with truly elect people! Satan doesn't push unless he sees a force that will thwart his work! So I know without a doubt amazing things are happening. Both sister Lawrence and I have felt that there is something stirring in the air. Something big is coming and we are so excited to embrace whatever it is. We worked very hard this week to stay busy and make every minute of the Lord's time count. He truly truly consecrated our time. There was an area we were in yesterday where we both had this undeniable feeling that there was a very specific person that we needed to meet. A woman passed us and we decided that we should go talk to her. We actually chased this woman down into her appartment building. We dont do this kind of thing very often, but we really really felt like we needed to talk to her. We caught her on the stairs and she was so kind and said that we could come back and talk to her. Afterwards, we felt like our work in that area was done. It was incredible. We have also been teaching a man named Samuel. He asks the best questions and is so so genuine. He has already told us that he wants to make sure this is completely right, but if he finds that it is, then he will be all in. We asked him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We are waiting for a response. I know that if he does it right, and prays with real intent, there is no way he will not know for certain that it is true. That is how pure truth works. I have been studying truth a lot this week. Lots of people only like to believe what is convienant, but just beacause someone doesnt like gravity, doesnt mean they will float if they jump off a cliff. Truth is truth regaurdless. God works in truth too. When he says something is a certain way, it is that way. He won't change that for one persons convenience. That would be unfair and God is not an unjust being. I have seen that pattern a lot in the scriptures as a missionary. I am so grateful to belong to a church where basic doctrines are unchanging and constant. I don't have to wonder, I know. I also know that the way to acquire truth is constant. Just read Moroni 10:3-5. I so love the simiplicity of this gospel. The more I read the scriptures and words of the prophets, the more I know that it is true.

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