Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Oct 2, 2019 Week 1 in the field!

Bonjour! SO, i am in Canada! I am serving in the Quebec City area! It is 100% French speaking so I am having to learn the language really fast! It has been the biggest struggle so far, but I feel heaven`s help every day and I know that the gift of tongues is so real! Just last night I was able to invite a lady to baptism and she said yes!! It was such an incredible moment! I love this work! I feel like I am being helped in ways I never have before. Not for my own benefit, but for the benefit of those I teach and help to bring unto Christ. I love talking to people and I love feeling the spirit. It is so strong here. I had a beautiful experience with the gift of tongues the other night. We were teaching a family that spoke Burmese and only spoke a little French. We were able to google translate simple phrases of our testimony and allow them to read it in their language. It was incredible. «the spirit was so strong and «i could tell that they felt it too. I have a lot of hope for this family. We had them download gospel library on their phone but the book of mormon wasnt on there, just some conference talks. So, we left them with a challenge to listen to some of those talks in Burmese. I can`t wait to teach them again. I love this work so much. I am just so grateful to be a part of it. I know that the book of Mormon is true and is a solid testimony of Jesus Christ. There is power in it. Durning my first lesson with a lady we met on the street, she said that the verse we read sounded magical. I LOVE that! I know that spirit testified to her heart that it was true. I love seeing little miricales like that every day. I know this work of gtahering israel is of god and I know that this church is true! love, soeur Bates

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