Bonjour famille!
My goodness it has been a super crazy 48 hours! I honestly feel like I've been here for weeks. The spirit here is unlike anything I have ever felt before. It so strong and it is everywhere. My scripture study has been so amazing and the spirit is just incredible. My companion, soeur Nelson is absolutely wonderful. She is from Pitsburg Pennsylvania. She has such a strong testimony of this gospel an isn't afraid to share it. She is just a fun extroverted person and she brings it out of me. We laugh all the time and work so well with each other. I really don't think I could have asked for a better companion here in the MTC. Also, fun fact she is already fluent in Spanish but is learning French here at the MTC too.
My whole district is so cool. I am rooming with five lovely sisters, soeur Allen, soeur Weeks, soeur Roberts and of course soeur Nelson. The three of them are farther ahead in French than than sister Nelson and I so the language has already proven to be frustrating for us, but I keep telling myself not to compare my linguistic ability with others because in six months, we'll all be on the same level. There are also eight other elders in my district. Each one of us are going to Montreal so it's nice that we will know each other before we get out into the field.
Right now, I am working hard to memorize gospel words and phrases. Then tomorrow we will try our first hand at teaching an "investigator" We will introduce ourselves and ask few questions, testify, and close with a prayer all in French. Pray for me! As frustrated as I feel sometimes, I know that I am receiving tons of help with the language. There is no way I could memorize all that I did in the last 48 hours had it not been the spirit helping me. It is truly amazing.
I attended a lot of workshops here too. My favorite meeting was when they brought actual investigators from off the BYU campus. They talked to us about what they were looking or and questions they had not just about the gospel, but the questions and concerns of their lives. As brand new missionaries, we were able to teach and testify to them about the truth of this gospel. It was cool to look at things from their perspective, first hand. I was brought to tears by the love that I felt for these people that I have never even met. I am seeing everyone as a child of God and it is the most beautiful way to look at this world. I wish that I had made a habit of it in my youth. I would have been able to love others more freely, despite their weaknesses. As you know, I'm not usually the one that speaks when there is crowd, but I felt a strong impression to say something to one of the investigators, a girl named, Chel. I had no idea what I was going to say, but I opened my mouth and I can truly say that it was filled. I was just able to testify that Christ is the reason for the joy in my life and his love is for everyone, including her.
One thing that has really shocked me while I have been here is my confidence. It has never been in my nature to be excited to be around a bunch of people, or to be excited to meet people for. But here I honestly am! I was nervous up until I stepped out of the car and my host sister came to meet me and take me away. I didn't even feel sad when they swept me away. I felt safe and happy to be here. Still do! And I mean I was still pretty nervous, but I do feel like I have been given courage beyond myself. So even though it's still scary to me, I actually have the want and desire to do things like, speak up in class, and say hi to people, and other things like that. It seems like such a small thing, but for me this is pretty revolutionary! I feel like I am finally becoming the best version of me. they to do that is with the spirit's help. There is no other way to gain this kind of confidence, this quickly, and I am so excited to grow more.
I know that hard times will come and that this French thing will probably frustrate me to tears. But I know the end result and that gives me comfort.
So crazy story! While I was sitting in one of the workshops they asked us to turn around and speak with the person in front or behind. Lo and behold elder Groves (Marshal Groves) turns around! What a small world! We just so happened to come in on the same day. I have also run into elder Sego, and sister Pickering. I have yet to see sister Riplinger, but I hope I can before she heads out.
I am having wonderful time here. The food is great. Everyone is friendly and kind. The spirit is immense. It feels like breathing clean air for the first time in my life, and it never goes away, it's just always here. Last evening we met with our district leaders. Brother Francis interviewed me (just to get to know me) and I shared with him my concerns about leaving my family. He told me something that has given me comfort. He told me that Heavenly Father blesses the families of those who serve as long as they are serving wholeheartedly and giving everything that have to the work. "Hold him accountable to that promise" he said and I surely intend to hold up my end of the bargain, because I know that he will hold up his. Don't worry about me at all. I have never felt so safe. I love this work and I am so grateful to be a part of it. I love my Savior. He is THE reason why I am here. I love you guys SO much and I can't wait to hear about how everything is going. You're always in my prayers and in my heart.
Love, Soeur Bates
Ps, here are some pictures mom!<3
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