Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February 5, 2019

Bonjour! comment ca va mes amies? This has been a week of change and it has been so great! I love Laval! Its super different from Quebec but that's okay. i am excited to be here and the ward is amazing! It's actually notorious for being like the best ward in the mission!. Every single person is so kind and welcoming. And very involved with working with missionaries. It is SO nice! There are a lot of cool people here. Most speak a little English since its so close to Montreal so that has been very nice. Last night we went to a member's house to have dinner and language study. It was very nice to have firsthand help! My new comp is sister Stephenson and she is stellar! Such a hard working missionary and so ready and willing to do whatever the Lord asks. I love her already. She is just one transfer younger than me so we are both very much on the same level with French, but I have already seen improvements. More than i would have seen if I were with a fluent companion. The Lord has a way of really forcing us to grow sometimes, and man its hard, but man i am so grateful for it. its like the story of the little bush. When the gardener cut his branches down he cried and said. "how could you do this to me?" But in a year when he was laden with fruit, he said "Thank you gardener, for loving me enough to hurt me." That's one of my favorite stories of all time. Its so in our Heavenly Father's nature to do what he knows will be the very best for us. I have been studying his nature a lot this last week. I am so grateful for the knowledge that he is my literal Father. To understand that one doctrine changes everything. It changes the way i serve and the way i look at people. It has actually changed my whole outlook on life. I love him and i want to live my life every day to make him proud. I am grateful for this time to be a missionary, to grow and develop. Im grateful that he is letting me help others do the same. It is a joy indeed. I hope that all is well with you all and that you are happy. I love you and am so grateful for your prayers and support and love. I feel it. Love, soeur Bates

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